Thursday, October 22, 2015

10% off MKE.NET Conference, Learn Unity 3D RTS's and More!

If you haven't registered yet, please do before tickets run out.  Get 10% off your ticket with this code: SAGMILLER10.

I'll be running a presentation from 11:10 to Noon, in the room "Woodfield East" at the Country Springs Hotel in Pewaukee, WI.

This course is about Unity 3D, and will cover some highlights of creating an RTS in it.  Particularly, it will be highlighting some sections of my class, which should be available sometime in 2016.

I'll do my best to demystify some of the hurtles and show you that making an RTS is within reach.

The conference has a lot more than me.  Take your pick from other speakers and activities.  It will be fun, active and filled with people who use .NET.

Come and meet me.  If you have a copy of either of my books, I'd be happy to sign them  :D

Get 10% off your ticket with this code: SAGMILLER10.

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