Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Unity Certification : Prep Day 1/14

So I just found out that Unity announced official certifications at GDC this year, and not only that, but they will be here in Chicago on the 20th.  I'm already signed up.  You can too, if you feel ready, which I don't.  Hence I've got 2 weeks to practice on all areas I'm missing.

Fortunately, Unity released a PDF containing most of the important details of what is covered in the test, and the granularity is pretty fine, making it easier to focus my training, and I'm basically going down a check list of topics.  At this point, I'm working on animation, which is an area I really haven't touched before.

I developed a proof with models found free in the asset store.  I'm not trying to polish these.  I just want PoC's that try to give a realistic game experience example.  In this case, I'm having a player swim up to a wall, climb it, hop over the top, crouch, peak around a corner and then stand.

I'll be doing more proofs over the next 2 weeks, until the Cert happens.  Awesomely, Omni Resources, the company I work for now, is letting me expense the certification.  :)

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