Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Meetup Retrospectives

I've been trying to create a game development meetup (SDC.Game), and get it popular, but I've faced one problem for a while that I didn't realize was a problem.  Getting help.  I'm often looking up articles and seeking ideas from the group on how to improve it, but I've never had any format to follow.  Its always been ad-hoc.  From now on (or so I believe now), I'll be doing a retrospective after each meetup.  

So what is a "Retrospective"?  A retrospective is a meeting where we discuss what went well, what went poorly, and what changes we should make.  It should involve the whole team.  In this case, all the RSVP'd members to the meetup.  

But for a meetup group, this will not be in person, nor will it be a group phone call online.  For the time being, I'm using Meetup.com's discussion board, and emailing those who RSVP'd to a meetup.  The discussion will give my initial perspective, but then ask everyone else to chime in and off the same kind of feedback or challenge something I said.  Perhaps what I thought was a difficulty helped others.  

Will this improve things?  Who knows, but I won't find out if I never asked.  We can always decide to change the approach in the future.  Which is exactly what the retrospective is supposed to do.  I'm wondering what else would be good to run a retrospective on.  :)

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