Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New Blog coming soon...

I wanted to let anyone who follows me know I have a new blog on the way.  This one is being custom developed, because I could find no blogging service that has what I need.

I intend to start sharing a lot more unity samples and proofs.  I want to make this very Unity focused.  The Challenge that I am facing, is that none of the blog sites have a convenient way for me to upload a WebGL package and add it to the site.  The new site I'm having developed is built on that ability.  Now, it takes easily over an hour just to post to the CDN, and reconfigure the HTML example content.  As such, there are only 1 or 2 posts that share this content, but I had started to do one new proof a day to prove out some technology or experiment with a feature.  That's not reasonable.  I could test and produce a PoC in 20 minutes, but then take an hour to share it.

Anyway, I'm working on a few big things that will probably take most of my time until around August 2017.  I'll try to get more in, but it won't be often.  Be assured, its mostly Unity stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I spent a while working on that, but decided against it. I have too many things to do, and building websites does not need to be part of it. I found Itch IO to use, and that looks in good order at the moment for what I needed. I.e. to post webGL games and be able to share them via this blog.
