Wednesday, May 10, 2017

SOLID Development in Unity.

A couple years ago, I worked at a company who wanted to get SOLID development practices in Unity. I was unable to accomplish it then. After unsuccessfully moving on in my career, I kept a focus on figuring out how. Unity seemed to block every attempt. A large portion of the common commands are static, and unable to be replaced. Any attempt to even run test cases of Unity code causes it all to break down.

But 8 months ago, I got it working. I've used it in a major project, and spent time honing it for improvement. With a lot of companies looking to bring in 3D, and Unity being the most popular 3D game engine, the only thing missing was a way to use professional business standards when creating unity projects.  Its here.

In this presentation, I'll demonstrate how it was done.  I'll give some code examples and discuss some of the real difficulties it brought.  I'll also show what some of the key remaining hurtles are, and how they will be over come.

I'll be publishing another book, and having some more presentations on this at other conferences.  I also have a plan to affect unity assets to work with the business world.

On Sunday, June 4th, 2017,

I'll be speaking on this at the SDC.  Please RSVP to this free event.  Lets meet.  What challenges do you faces as a Unity developer?  Lets make Unity development better.  

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