Saturday, March 19, 2016

Knock Out PoC Update 1

I took on a new proof of concept, similar to match 3, except that you blow up anything you click on, and all connected pieces of a similar color.  Everything here represents about 6 hours of work.

The ball prefab is just a sphere with a rigid body, with the Z constrained.  I had initially tried placing an empty quad in front and behind but found this was better for performance & visuals.  The first PoC was just to get a bunch of them filling up a screen, and as the video above shows, that was completed well.  Because its physics based, and not defined slots, there is some variance in how they line up.

Next I added click to destroy.  Easy enough, using OnMouseEnter/OnMousExit to set a bool and if that is set, onclick, destroy(gameObject).  But destroy wasn't visual enough, so I added a simple explosion.  A while ago, I picked up the asset FX Mega Pack from the asset store, and I'm using modified version of one of their explosions.

Next I daisy chained all the touching (or close to touching) items of similar color and separated the destruction by a fraction of a second each, so you can see the chain effect.

Lastly, I added a bunch more block types and a score system.  You get 1 point for each block, but each daisy chained item gets you the number of points as its position in the destruction.  so 1 block = 1 point.  2 blocks = 2 points (1 + 2) and so on.  

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